Online Job

1. Type Of Work : Online Captcha Entering Work

2. How To Join In This Program ?
To Join in this job and earn extra money in your spare time by simply typing the we have to register in this program.

  To register you have to pay
 ->  First  100  Members  Rs 300 ( Completed)

 -> 100 - 200 th member Registration Fee is Rs  500( Have Chance For 15 members)

- >  From 201th members registraion Fee is Rs 700

through our bank directly.Details as below:

                            Payee Name : SK AMEEN

                                       a/c : 32390411858

                                             Branch : SBI
After depositing the money send a mail  at aph06786@gmail.com   withscaning copy of deposited slip  all  your details   like:

   Your Payee name : XXXXXXXXXXXX. a/c : XXXXXXXXXX

Name : XXXXXXX, Adress: XXXXXXXXX  , Phone Number : +91 XXXXXXXXX

3. In this Work  you get $ 1 per every 700 enterys in the beginning and after that you get activity  bonus.

                                           Activity Bonus Detalis

 After entering        100 -----> 2 % bonus
                             1,000 ------> 5 %

                             5,000  --------> 8%

                            10,000 -------> 10 %

                            18,000  -------> 15 %

                            30,000  --------- > 20 %

                            50,000  -----------> 25%

                           80,000   ----------> 30 %

                           1,20,000 -------->  35%

                           1,70,000  --------> 40 %

                            2,50,000 -------> 50%

4 .  After Registration complete  we send all your work details.

5 .  Requirements :

      a. SBI Bank  Account.

      b. Any proof of identity.

     c.  Good Typing Skill.

     D. 1 Mbps net speed Compulsory with System.

6. If u have any query mail me at aph06786@gmail.com  OR +917702524152.

7. Referral Bonus  Details :

 -> 1 - 10th  member u   get Rs 100 for every referral with registration fee Rs 300
 -> 10th  - 50th  Member u  get Rs 200 for referral with registartion fee Rs 500
-> 51 -  65 member u  get Rs 300 For every referral with registration fee Rs 700
-> 66 th member onwards u get Rs 400 for every referral with registration fee Rs 700